I posted this on another blog on April 8th, 2009. The anniversary of the date my now husband proposed to me! =) So now, I am re-posting it for NaNoBloMo on my birthday!
Aaaaannnd.... Begin.
I know you have done this:
You watch a movie or tv show – a’la X-Men, Spider-Man, Heroes, and the like; You see a cool/funny move (like when Peter Parker tries to figure out how to get the web to fly out of his wrists); You walk into the next room and say something like, “Hey Babe! I’m a web-spinner!” and you flick your wrist like you saw on the movie. More than likely, your friend or significant other cocked their head and looked at you with a kind of blank face. Well, unless they are also comic book geeks.. =)
Anyway, I have had more than one of these episodes occur in my home over the past few years, so I know what you’re feeling! And so, I am using that fodder to give you an insight onto which Super Hero powers I would love to have – be it all at one time, or grouped together to make me INVINCIBLE! ::Insert generic evil laugh here::
- Time Travel – This isn’t all that exciting, but I love history. I wasn’t all that great in my history classes, but I would love to live for a month or so in the Dark Ages, during the Italian Renaissance, and maybe even during the Ice Age… But that would take way more research!
- Weather Control – Okay, it’s not your run-of-the-mill power, but watching Storm do some crazy stuff in the X-Men flicks really pushed me in that direction. It would be pretty badass to be able to strike something with lightning, or blow down an evil building!
- I had Water Control as my number three, but I think I am going to replace that with Flying. I am not one for heights, but when you think of it, if you can fly – you don’t need to be that high off the ground! Besides, if you have flight as an ability, do you really need to fear falling?
- Shape Shifting. I think I would like to be able to shape myself into different beings – rather than objects. Well, as long as I was able to mimic them perfectly. I wouldn’t want to look like another person, or a dog, without being able to exactly what they know how to do. It could cause some precarious situations.
- Teleportation. My last superpower would be the ability to Teleport to anywhere of my choosing. Think ‘Jumper’ but with less work. He had to see where he was going beforehand. I don’t want to bother with that stuff. Show me a picture and I am there! MUCH easier!
So, there you have it. If I were to have any type of super power, these are my top five. And believe me, I had a pretty long list of what I would choose. These just happened to win out.
What about you? Let your inner geek out and tell me what you would choose for your top five!
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