November 15, 2010

NaNoBloMo Day 15: Midway Point

I may not be where I want to be with this being the halfway point of NaNoBloMo, but I am in a *much* better position than I was at this time last year! I think that is a huge step in the right direction, if I do say so myself!

Today will be my 15th post to this blog - which I cannot say I had expected to do.  I have another blog over on the platform, which I had intended to be my 'main' NaNoBloMo blog.  I have kept up on that one, as well (again - WAY more than I had thought I would do).  Surprisingly, I have learned a little about where I would like each blog to go - though I cannot say that it is fairly represented here.  This blog had been created so that I could ramble about just about anything that crossed my mind.  That part is probably pretty obvious, but I would like to make it a bit more about life in general.  Not necessarily *my* life. 

My money blog  - Work the Steps is more about my family life, and our desire to get out of debt and what we have to do to get there.  I have learned that I cannot write an effective post if I am trying to separate my personal life from my monetary life.  It just doesn't work.

I did (do) want to hit more blogs that are also participating in NaNoBloMo.  I did alright for the first week or so, in an effort to see what is out there and maybe generate some of my own web traffic, but it has not gone well.  I averaged 5 comments a day for at least a week, yet I have had little to no reciprocation.  It hasn't knocked me down, as I do not have a very strong blog yet - but it has disappointed me a little.  I have always been an advocate for the blogosphere.  I know that there is a unity, but I don't know where it went!  Heh.. maybe they are all just too busy doing the same thing this month.  Could be! 

So, there I am on Day 15.  And I am looking forward to seeing what the next fifteen bring. 

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